Twitch Stream



If you want to learn flashy moves that will surprise your opponent, dynamic techniques that are unstoppable, and complex exchanges that will lead you to a sure victory… you’ve come to the wrong place.

Every Wednesday and Sunday at 8:00pm on 
Twitch, you can catch Coach Matt and Coach Mike reviewing footage from your open mats and from your competitions. They will answer questions from the chat, break down individual techniques, discuss strategy, help you see where you are excelling and where you can improve. And best of all, it’s free!

Our goal is helping you achieve YOUR goals. Flashy gimmicks from social media won’t get you there; focused tape study and a chance to review yourself and your teammates will. Come study with us to supplement your training time and meet your goals faster!

Can't catch the stream? No problem, catch us later on Youtube where the weekly streams are posted. 

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